4 Reasons This Yoga Teacher Doesn’t Recommend Bikram Yoga
Bikram yoga is one of the most popular styles of asana being practiced today. So how come this yoga teacher doesn’t recommend it? Find out here.
Bikram yoga is one of the most popular styles of asana being practiced today. So how come this yoga teacher doesn’t recommend it? Find out here.
Still think that vegetarians do not get enough protein by not eating meat? Here are 5 vegetarian foods rich in protein and iron to dispel that old myth.
Are all yogis vegetarian/vegan? Do I have to stop eating meat to be a yogi? What’s the connection between yoga and vegetarianism? Get the answers here.
Wheel pose is challenging enough as it is, but if you want an extra oomph in your practice, here are five variations of wheel pose that’ll do the trick.
This 3-day vegetarian meal plan is perfect for vegetarians, transitioning vegetarians, & those who simply want to start eating healthy! Check it out here.
Stepping through from Down Dog is one of those tricky transitions. Here are tricks and techniques you can use to help you achieve this with ease and control
Get into the Halloween spirit yoga-style by trying out and practicing the Exorcist pose! Here’s a quick, great guide that’ll teach you how.
Why does Eastern philosophy see the death of the ego as the ultimate indication of a higher, enlightened sense of being? How does ego “die”? Find out here!
Being a yogi mother has its challenges and rewards. So for all yoga mommas — how many of these can you relate to?
If you suffer from back pain, you might wanna check if your piriformis muscles are too tight and weak. Learn more about it here and how yoga can help.
What is Vinyasa Flow and how is it different or similar to all the other styles and schools of yoga? Find out here.
Need more flexibility in your hamstrings and lower body? These standing yoga poses will target those specific areas and limber you up!
Sometimes you just want a good ol’ fashioned sweat session on your yoga mat. This 15-minute yoga sequence will give you just that. Learn how to do it here!
Flying Pigeon pose is an awe-inspiring but also equally challenging arm balancing yoga pose. Here are 10 poses you can practice to prep you for lift off.
Love yoga AND travelling? Here are 8 amazing yoga teachers who are living the dream of traveling and sharing their love of yoga. Check them out here!
Yoga has tons of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. But what exactly are the health benefits of yoga? Here are just 6 of them.
Do you or anyone you know suffer from anxiety and panic attacks? Try this yoga sequence for anxiety to keep negative & panic-inducing thoughts at bay!
You do NOT need to be flexible to practice yoga! Here’s how you can modify yoga poses for tight hamstrings to keep your body & practice safe.
Do you need to lose weight to practice inversions? The quick & short answer is NO. Read on & find out why, and get tips on how to do yoga inversions safely.
Getting sick and tired of that pesky ache in your lower back? Here are yoga poses you can try that will help ease lower back pain.