3 Ways for Anxious People to Practice Meditation
Is seated meditation too difficult for your mile-a-minute monkey mind? Here are effective ways for anxious people to practice meditation and find peace.
Help tackle anxiety in the moment with simple tips and techniques. Arm yourself with a healthy routine to calm the mind and release tension from your body.
Is seated meditation too difficult for your mile-a-minute monkey mind? Here are effective ways for anxious people to practice meditation and find peace.
Fear is one of the biggest things holding us back from what we really want to do and be in life. Here are some of the things you can learn from fear.
A lot of chastising occurs in the yoga community, especially when it comes to yogic philosophy. Here’s why being a bad yogi is completely okay.
As a yoga teacher, I notice that while students are at ease with the physical postures, they can be hesitant to participate in some of the more “esoteric” practices. One
There are three common fears that people encounter on the mat. Here’s how to get rid of them. When you do, your practice will really improve.
Though anxiety is one of the most common emotions in our society, there is a physicality to it (shortness of breath, pounding heart, sweaty palms) that makes this feeling big,
One of my true loves is travel. One of my true fears is flying. Over the summer, I went to Italy on a yoga retreat (thank you, Mom), and wound up
In order to get what we want in life, we have to be willing to receive it when it appears, and in order to do that we have to be
One of my dear friends visited me this week impassioned. He has recently moved to NYC with the hopes of becoming an actor. A far cry from his current career,
While working my way through graduate school to become a licensed professional counselor, I found yoga. Or better yet, yoga found me. Semester after semester I would sweat, bitch, complain,
"I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a
I’ve written a lot about my journey through an anxiety disorder, medication trial, and intense fear. Airplanes have always triggered immense anxiety for me. We are totally powerless on airplanes,
Chances are, if you’ve picked up a self-help book, a “spiritual” text, watched any of the countless videos of inspirational speakers chatting about life, or even caught the end of
Sometimes we can get worked up and fry our nerves when we've had a busy day, or have some lingering jitters after a particularly stressful event. It happens to all
What if you knew how to attain anything you wanted in life; would you become more carefree, take more risks, enjoy every moment without any hesitation…would you do it? Would
Bad days. We all have them, right? Those days when you wake up not wanting to ever get out of bed. Days when you’re tired, anxious or weepy (or all
In devoting time to that which Doesn’t Make Sense, I was losing the emphasis on What Does Make Sense: my body was healing, I was feeling stronger than ever, I was back to work, and I was feeling better.
During my first week taking Zoloft, I didn’t feel anxiety. I didn’t feel at all. I was perplexed as I thought, “So this is what medication feels like?”
I’ve had a few experiences recently through which I’ve been reminded of the value of pain. I’ll say those last words again for effect (and slow it down for good
A few months ago, I used a fancy GPS system. I was skeptical and afraid of getting lost. If I trusted this device and still got lost, would I lose