A Beginner’s Guide to Warrior III in 4 Steps
Don’t sail right past this awesome yoga pose! Here’s a great step-by-step beginner’s guide to Warrior III. You’ll be taking off in no time!
Don’t sail right past this awesome yoga pose! Here’s a great step-by-step beginner’s guide to Warrior III. You’ll be taking off in no time!
The earth element comes into our yoga practice with a sense of grounding and stability. Try these yoga poses to bring more ‘earthiness’ to your practice!
Half Moon Pose rears it’s ugly head during almost every yoga class. Here are some common misalignments for this yoga pose and how to correct them.
Warrior III is one tricky pose! Here are some great tips to get you aligned and feeling free in this balancing asana.
In this video, yoga teacher and DYY columnist Meagan McCrary shares her tips on how to find and keep your balance in Tree pose. Watch and learn here!
Confused by the placement of your front shin in Pigeon Pose? Here’s a great video to help you get comfortably, and safely, aligned!
Yoga binds require a linking of the hands and/or wrists, taking you physically deeper into a pose. Here are 5 examples of bound yoga poses you can try.
If you’re feeling stressed out, tired, anxious or just plain tense, try these yoga poses to calm your nervous system and have mind-body balance.
Mermaid Pose is a great way to stretch out your legs, open your heart, and even change up some of your other favorite poses. Here are five great variations!
What yoga pose strengthens your core, tones your butt, provides calm, and even gives your internal organs a massage? Salabhasana, Locust Pose, can!
Sundial pose or Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana stretches & opens the hips, side body, hamstrings, & shoulders. This quick video will teach you how to do it.
Downward Dog is one of the most popular & most practiced poses in yoga, but many don’t realize they’re not doing it properly. Here are 3 tips that’ll help.
Sometimes there’s no time to get to a yoga class, but a few stretches are still necessary! Here are some yoga poses to fit into different parts of your day.
Focusing on the space between the breath helps create a gap between our thoughts and is an easy to learn meditation for becoming more present in a pinch.
Firefly is a challenging arm balance that requires upper body strength.Here, yoga teacher Meagan McCrary gives step-by-step instructions to do Firefly pose.
Bhujapidasana or Shoulder-Pressing Pose requires inner thigh and core strength and open hips and shoulders. These three yoga poses help prepare you for it.
If you’re comfortable in Headstand away from the wall and are ready for a new challenge, here are five of my favorite Headstand leg variations.
Yoga props are versatile tools that help students deepen their understanding and expression of asanas. Here are five ideas for practicing with yoga blocks.
When I first started doing yoga backbends, I would push up into Full Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana) in one motion using a bit of strength and a lot of momentum.
Side Plank Pose builds strength in the shoulders, wrists, core, and leg strength. Here are five Side Plank variations for allover strengthening.