Mind vs Strength: What’s More Important When Trying to Access More Advanced Yoga Poses?
Is it mind over matter or brawn power? Read on to see what’s more important when accessing advanced yoga poses.
From cat-cow to child’s pose, to downward dog and crow, learn yoga poses using guides by our expert yoga teachers, therapists, and fellow yoga enthusiasts.
Is it mind over matter or brawn power? Read on to see what’s more important when accessing advanced yoga poses.
Yoga postures that challenge us can be scary. But fear not. With a bit of practice and reflection on what is it that scares you, you’ll see a strong effect on your practice and in your life off the mat.
Once we figure out how to build confidence around the unknown, practicing inversions can be liberating. Here’s how.
Yoga with a partner is a powerful exercise of learning to let go and practice trust. Whether it’s a best friend, significant other or a total stranger, you and your partner will be closer by the end of your practice session. Read and start with these simple sequences to begin your exploration of trust for two.
When your arm balance or inversion practice is pushing you outside of your comfort zone and you’re losing balance, there are many ways to ground yourself to exit the pose without flipping into a backbend. So here are some tips and techniques for how to fall in yoga without fear.
If you have exprienced knee pain, discomfort, or an injury and are looking for ways to take care of your knees in practice, try these 5 adaptations.
While the emotional journey of finding your Handstand is different for everyone, physically there are a few steps you can take to help you progress into Handstand!
So how do we learn to mentally “let go” and “just be”? Two simple phrases comprised for four short words that take us a long lifetime love affair with ourselves.Read on to find out.
Everyone has their own personal empowerment shape that they connect with more than any other. It’s your go-to Asana for everything that ails you, your personal empowerment pose and provides you with the resilience you need to get through almost anything! Let’s take a look at some of the most powerful poses when you need to practise yoga for resilience.
In many inverted yoga poses, we must cultivate and trust the strength in our forearms and shoulders to support us. And once you’ve made it, there’s a whole new world of your practice to unlock. Read on to learn about the why’s & the how to’s of these 5 forearm strength building poses.
If you’re wondering how you could be creatively building more overall strength, here are few ways to use a yoga wheel to enhance this aspect of your practice. Each shape will engage the muscles needed for the final strengthening activity and will grow your confidence towards trying that final one-armed, one-legged crow balance. Let’s play!
Ever noticed how yogi’s seem to be so comfortable in their bodies, even in crazy fandangled shapes? Ever wondered how they tend to walk with more confidence, live with more courage, and just generally seem more abundant? This is not a trick of the light and it in no way happens overnight- but it IS real! And you can get there too!
Using props and modifications, or shape adaptations, is a great way to support your body into safer alignment or deepen the benefits of any shape.
Let’s break down one of the big three and look at the the biomechanics, or the science of movement, of the knee in padmasana to maintain healthy and happy knees. This article with introduce basic biomechanics that relate to padmasana; for a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of the knee joint, it is best to see a professional healthcare provider as well as an experienced yoga teacher.
To combat winter blues, we can start from within by practicing yoga sequences that open our hearts. Try these 5 yoga poses to keep you happy, motivated and energized through the long winter days.
If you are experiencing general low back or joint pain ask your doctor if gentle yoga is right for you, and then try these yoga poses to help keep you up and running.
Yoga is renowned for its ability to grow our confidence. Unraveling the muscles of the chest and opening the solar plexus can have a delicious effect on this aspect of the practice. Yin Yoga is a great way to take this even deeper. The long heavy holds release emotional tension and restore self confidence by nourishing our self-trust. It becomes a layer cake of heart opening warmth.
Are you just minutes away from a big presentation or interview? Are you afraid the jitters will take over and you won’t be able to show what you can do? Try these poses that will help boost your confidence in 5 minutes or less.
Ustrasana, or camel pose, is an intermediate backbend that stretches the entire front of the body and strengthens the back. It challenges your ability to be vulnerable, as the entire front body is open. Explore this vulnerability by using breath to relax and explore what feels good. With a bit of patience and awareness, you can cultivate confidence and build up to camel pose wit
Do you bring a sense of playfulness to your asana practice or does your mind tend to focus only on what the pose will bring you (strength, flexibility, challenge, etc.)? By practicing the following poses, you’ll have the chance to open yourself up to the power of play.