5 Deliciously Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for those who rush very early in the morning, here are healthy breakfast smoothie recipes for you.
Ignite your taste buds and opt for healthier options with recipes and top tips from all over the globe. Keep yourself well nourished and feeling great.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for those who rush very early in the morning, here are healthy breakfast smoothie recipes for you.
While drinking coffee has its known benefits, some argue there may be a risk of addiction to it. Read on to find out if you’re drinking too much coffee.
Since the trend to go no-carb, pasta has had a bad rep. But pasta with proper ingredients are good for you. Here are 3 healthy pasta recipes you will love.
With modern food high in sugar and calories and full of preservatives, it’s hard to maintain a healthy diet. These healthy recipes, however, are a must try.
What exactly are the benefits of coconut water that makes everyone sing praises and love it so much? Find out here.
Our bodies need roughly 2 liters of water a day, yet our fluid intake is almost always less than that. Here are easy tips to get you to drink more water.
Can’t wait for that notoriously taking-its-time-to-ripen avocado? Here are 4 easy ripening hacks you have to try.
It’s not always easy transitioning to being meat-free. Here are some recipes for newbie vegetarians to help you along.
What are some of the food items you should always have at home to help you eat healthy? Check out this nutritionist’s top 4 picks here.
It’s easy to understand why everyone’s loco for avocado; it’s healthy, versatile, & super yummy. Here are 5 avocado recipes for vegetarians you should try.
Remember when you tried going on a diet to eat healthier, lose weight, or achieve a goal? No? This will remind you of all those feels all dieters know.
Keeping your teeth strong, white, and healthy starts with your lifestyle & diet. Here are foods to avoid to help you maintain good oral health.
Still think that vegetarians do not get enough protein by not eating meat? Here are 5 vegetarian foods rich in protein and iron to dispel that old myth.
Feel too heavy and sluggish to appreciate the start of spring? Check out these Ayurvedic tips to get you moving and feeling lighter this seasonal shift.
Having trouble starting or keeping your healthy eating habits? Here are 14 fun food charts for healthy eating to help you stay on track.
If you pass gas more than the usual or normal account, try these foods that reduce gas to make your dinner parties fart-free and keep your tummy healthy.
If you think mindful eating is just another “buzz word” in the yoga and healthy living community, think again. Here’s why you should start eating mindfully.
The buzz around so many superfoods is mostly that—just buzz, leaving people disappointed. Here are 5 superfoods that actually live up to the hype.
Wanna start eating healthy but need help getting started? Check out this sample one-day meal plan from a yogi and give it a shot!
With all the diet schemes out there, it’s easy to succumb to the promise of a “healthier” you. Here are 3 reasons dieting is not the way.