3 Good Reasons to Take Yoga Class From a Sub
Sometimes you get to your normal yoga class, the teacher is gone, and there’s sub instead. Here are three great reasons to take class from a sub anyway!
Sometimes you get to your normal yoga class, the teacher is gone, and there’s sub instead. Here are three great reasons to take class from a sub anyway!
We all think about giving up and leaving yoga class sometimes. But next time, think of these 5 inspiring phrases to help keep you on your mat!
Uprooting to a new location is never easy and finding a new yoga community can hard. Read this guide to help you find a local yoga studio.
Not every individual is up to the task of yoga teacher. Here’s what to look for in determining whether your yoga teacher is supporting or ignoring you.
Dharana is a practice of binding one’s mind to single point—an object, place, or idea. The more specific that object, place, or idea, the more effective.
Yoga is so much more than just a workout. Here are five ways to build a daily yoga practice that offers continual growth and joy, on the mat and beyond.
Here are four great benefits that regularly doing the same sequence, in the same studio, with the same teachers can bring to your yoga practice.
A yoga teacher writes about how the “less is more” ideal applies not just to daily life, but also when it comes to yoga teaching. Read more here.
Sometimes, not doing yoga can be beneficial to you. Here are three reasons to take a break from your yoga practice.
Relocation. Job loss. New child. Divorce. Old reliable car gone kaput. Life transitions can hit hard, and unexpectedly. After a year of torturous commutes into the city, my husband and
“I can’t touch my toes.” “I’ve never been able to do Crow pose.” Can’t. Never. If you’re like me, you’ve tossed these seemingly harmless words around like hot potatoes in
With an aging body comes many gifts, including mindfulness, patience, and wisdom. Consider these tips to keep your yoga practice strong and safe as you age.
The older I get, the less I depend on the mirror. Other than looking at my reflection to put in my daily contact lenses, or applying a coat of mascara
“Darn!” Actually, that’s a gross euphemism for the four-letter word really going through my head when I approach ‘that’ pose. You know the one – the pose that just pisses
“When’s class start, coach?” My sweet partner asked as we rolled out our mats, a good half hour early. A half hour we could have used enjoying another few minutes
“We’re here to help, Shannon,” the confident young man overseeing the kennel assured me as I struggled to get the collar off a cranky young beagle I had just taken
Most of the time I can’t wait to practice. To teach. To take a friend’s class and sweat my ass-ana off. Most of the time. Alas, there are still those
“Um, are you planning a Zumba class?” my bewildered boyfriend questioned as I took him through a yoga practice, accompanied by a new playlist. Clearly the funky beats were killing
Like many yogis, my yoga path began at the local studio. Warm room, jasmine incense, free tea and knowledgeable teachers were something to look forward to again and again. I
"There are three versions of San Francisco," the cool chick behind the desk at a hip yoga studio in the Mission District recently shared with me: “the first group is