Yoga Teacher Confessions – Don’t Watch If You’re Easily Offended (VIDEO)
Do you ever wonder exactly what your yoga teacher gets up to during Savasana, or does in their spare time? This funny video has your answer!
Do you ever wonder exactly what your yoga teacher gets up to during Savasana, or does in their spare time? This funny video has your answer!
This is a recipe for quick, yummy, power-packed breakfast, loaded with omega 3s from chia seeds, antioxidants from berries, protein, and fiber.
Early on in my yoga practice, and eventually in my teaching, I began to recognize a lack of symmetrical ability in my body.
This quick, easy, super nutritious and super delicious kale salad with lemon juice and Himalayan salt is a recipe fit for a superhero.
Yoga was initially developed to accompany seated meditation, but many practice yoga more for its physical benefits. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Reclined Bound Angle Pose gently opens the heart and stretches the spine and hips. Here are five Reclined Bound Angle Pose variations for you to practice.
Most people believe that yogis are extremely virtuous individuals who do no wrong and have no vices. This article discusses what being yogic really means.
“The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is perspective”. — Anonymous I was a pretty active and energetic child growing up. My parents were also full of energy and
Not too long ago, I’d hear the word “quiche” and roll my eyes thinking, “I could never make something so complicated.” After all, quiche is delicious, flaky, savory, and can
There it is: your eyes meet, the skin flushes, smiles spreads across both of your faces. You exchange awkward ‘hellos’ and bump into one another as you leave work, the
There are many yogic principles, both modern and ancient, that we as practicing yogis try our best to uphold. It’s one of the defining marks of the yogic lifestyle and
It’s that feel-good, eat-well, sleep in a bit longer, and laugh with your loved ones time of year. I love Autumn and I get very sentimental and even more cheerful
By this point, we have all heard about the countless benefits of meditation—peace of mind, increased focus, clarity, and relaxation, and even decreased blood pressure, just to name a few.
This spice tea is great to start the day and wake up your system, to ease sore muscles, or to soothe an upset belly. Learn how to make it here.
I was fortunate enough to grow up with an active lifestyle as a kid. I rode horses all throughout childhood, swam and ran in high school, and took up rock
One of the best ways to strengthen your yoga teaching is to practice with as many different teachers (and styles!) as possible. This is a great way to easily round
At the end of the day, experience is worth ten times its weight in gold…or green juice. What you will learn as you teach (and are taught!) will become invaluable