How To Practice and Prepare for Lotus Pose
Want to move from Sukhasana or Easy pose to full Lotus? Here are yoga poses and practice tips to help your body prepare for Lotus pose.
Want to move from Sukhasana or Easy pose to full Lotus? Here are yoga poses and practice tips to help your body prepare for Lotus pose.
How we practice yoga parallels how we are in real life. Read on to find out how to take your yoga practice off the mat.
With the days shortened and practicing outside becoming limited, it’s time to try these 5 amazing restorative yoga asanas this winter.
Feeling overwhelmed, overly emotional & closed off to change? Your sacral chakra could be out of whack. Here are tips & poses to balance your sacral chakra.
Pigeon pose can be challenging for many yogis, but thankfully there are several variations of it that make it accessible to every body. Learn more here!
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Moby is a world famous singer-songwriter and is also known for being an advocate of animal rights and veganism. Wanna know why he’s vegan? Find out here.
The swadhisthana chakra or sacral chakra governs your emotions and creativity. Find out how to keep it balanced and harness its energy right here!
There are certain rules & yoga etiquette in class that everyone should follow to ensure the best experience for yourself and others. Here are some of them.
Need help maintaining or developing your mindfulness practice? We’ve got your back, yogi — try these key tips to stay present and mindful daily!
What is mouna and how do you go about doing it? Get the lowdown on mouna or vow of silence right here and learn its benefits and get tips to get started!
What is the Buddhist teaching of ardency all about? How does yoga help us become more ardent and mindful? Find out here.
Counter the unhealthy effects of prolonged sitting at work with some office yoga! Here are some quick and easy poses to start with.
There are tons of reasons to love Bikram yoga, but here are just 8! If you’ve been on the fence about whether to start in the hot room, this may help!
Are you ready to spring forward? Try this 20-minute yoga sequence for spring, and see if you feel refreshed, renewed, and ready for anything! Get it here!
Are you looking to make the transition from meat-eater to vegan-extraordinaire? Here are 5 reasons to go vegan that you might not have thought of.
How much do you love yoga? If you’re like us, a whole lot! Here are just six of the ways you know you’re a yogi at heart. Which ones apply to you?
Do you practice the final Yama, Aparigraha, or non-acquisitiveness? One yogini shares her tips on practicing non-acquisitiveness, and how you can, too!
Swami Sivananda laid out 5 basic principles to live your life by. Curious as to what they are? Find out more about them right here, and try them out!
Don’t ignore your yoga practice when it’s cold out! Here are seven wonderful reasons to continue to practice yoga this winter, so you’ll be happy and warm.