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The Week in Yoga #9

Happiness | Lifestyle

We covered a lot of ground this week on DYY – we gave yoga tips for pregnant yogis, frequent road travellers, and yogis who are practicing for headstands. We also talked about how you don’t necessarily need to sit completely still to meditate, and we realized a lot of you guys in the DYY community are wine-loving yogis!

Here’s a quick rundown of the awesome stuff you might have missed this week:

5 Yoga Poses to Get You Ready For Handstand5 Yoga Poses to Get You Ready For Handstand

Handstand requires more than arm strength. It’s one of those awesome, full-body engagement postures, and I’m going to give you 5 poses to work with that will strengthen your arms, your core, your deep core, your bottom and your legs — because you need all of them for handstand. Read more…

21 Signs You're a Yogi on Vacation21 Signs You’re A Yogi On Vacation

Here’s how you show the world you’re into yoga, whether you’re basking on a beach in Bali, trekking in Peru or entertaining the kids at a resort in Hawaii. After all, the urge to practice yoga doesn’t stop just because you’re in a different time zone. Read more…

7 Things To Know Before Practicing Yoga When You’re Pregnant7 Things To Know Before Practicing Yoga When You’re Pregnant

Pregnancy yoga (or prenatal yoga) takes into account the many physiological and emotional changes taking place within and around you. If you are relying on the Internet or general yoga classes, here are a few key points to know so you can practice in an appropriate way that supports you and your baby. Read more…

3 Good Reasons To Blow Off Yoga And Drink Wine Instead3 Good Reasons To Blow Off Yoga And Drink Wine Instead

Yes, there are times where an hour on the mat will do infinitely more good than a night nursing a nice pinot, but there are times when blowing off yoga for a couple of drinks may just be in your highest good. Read more…

14 Adorable Images Of Mom and Baby Doing Yoga14 Adorable Images Of Mom And Baby Doing Yoga 

Yoga with your little one is much more than a fitness class or a few minutes working your abs on a yoga mat. Bond with your baby, spend quality time together, learn to cope with frustrations and interruptions, and celebrate this momentous life change in the best possible way – yoga together. Read more…

How to Improve And Expand Your BackbendsHow To Improve And Expand Your Backbends

Backbends are a beautiful part of every yoga practice. It’s worth the extra effort because backbends allow the body to open up, especially the heart center. When you open up the body, it becomes more relaxed and receptive to every part of life. Everything opens up, in a good way. Read more…

5 Yoga Poses For Road-Trippers & Travellers5 Yoga Poses For Road-Trippers & Travellers

As a development professional, I spend a lot of time on the road. So I thought I’d share these yoga poses that will provide renewal and refreshed circulation for business travelers and road-trippers alike after spending long hours on the road. Read more…

What were YOUR favorite posts from this week? Are there topics you’d like for us to explore more? Let us know below – we’re listening!

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