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The Week In Yoga #62

Happiness | Lifestyle

Are you itching to go on a yoga retreat? Struggling with your forearm stand? Suffering from arthritis? In need of some yoga inspiration?

If you said yes to any of those questions, you're gonna love this week's roundup! We have great yoga asana tips, inspiration, how-to's, plus a cool yoga-dance video. So in case you missed them, here are the week's top posts.

7 Yogic Morning Rituals for Vitality7 Yogic Morning Rituals for Vitality

The way you begin your day is essential and can set the tone for everything else that is going to unfold. Pick 2-3 of these yogic morning rituals and notice their effect. Read more…

Why You Don’t Need Flexibility to be a YogiWhy You Don’t Need Flexibility to be a Yogi

Yoga provides people of all ages, backgrounds, shapes, and sizes, with their own practice. This is an opportunity to explore your own unique body. Read more…

Stunning Yoga Flow to “Let Her Go” (VIDEO)Stunning Yoga Flow to “Let Her Go” (VIDEO)

If you’ve been lacking a little luster when it comes to your practice, here’s a little bit of inspiration to get you back to your yoga flow. Read more…

10 Yoga Retreats To Escape To ASAP10 Beautiful Yoga Retreats To Escape To ASAP

Whether you need a relaxing escape or an outdoor adventure, a yoga retreat is the perfect way to see the world and deepen your practice at the same time. Check out these yoga retreats! Read more…

How to Do Plow PoseHow to Do Plow Pose

Plow is an advanced pose that calms the mind, stimulates internal organs, activates the thyroid, stretches the shoulders and hamstrings, Halasana improves the flexibility of your spine. Read more…

A Beginner's Guide to Forearm StandA Beginner’s Guide to Forearm Stand

A forearm balance is the perfect inversion for beginner’s to start practicing. It gives you confidence, strengthens your core and upper body, and teaches you how to find your center once you’re upside down. Read more…

5 Yoga Poses to Ease Arthritis5 Yoga Poses to Ease Arthritis

Regular yoga practice can help with many of the symptoms of arthritis, such as improve the joint mobility, reduce pain, and help with managing stress and anxiety. Read more…

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