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The Week In Yoga # 12

Happiness | Lifestyle

Our awesome li’l DOYOU community is not so little anymore! Thanks to you guys, our community of yogis and readers is getting bigger and bigger everyday! So if YOU just joined the DYY tribe, WELCOME! and we hope you’re enjoying the tips and insights we bring you day after day, week after week.

For those who don’t know, The Week In Yoga is our weekly roundup of the top posts for that week. We do this every Sunday and it’s especially dedicated to yogis and readers who don’t get to catch up on DYY content everyday. So without further ado, here are some of this week’s most-liked posts by the community:

10 Stunning Images of 'Mermaid Yoga'10 Stunning Images Of ‘Mermaid Yoga’

Britta Trubridge, a Bahamas-based yoga instructor and founder of B Tru Yoga, is combining her love of yoga and the deep blue sea to create what some are calling “mermaid yoga” — pictures of underwater yoga poses that highlight the beauty of the ocean and the tranquility of yoga. Read more…

5-Exercises-To-Help-You-Get-Into-Upward-Facing-Bow-Pose5 Exercises To Help You Get Into Upward Facing Bow Pose

Wheel is actually not the pose we are going to be focusing on, but most people think that urdhva dhanurasana or Upward Facing Bow pose is Wheel. In Upward Facing Bow pose, your hands are still on the mat, along with your feet. This can be a very challenging posture, and requires a unique balance of strength and openness. Read more…

4 Simple Techniques To Teach Your Children To Meditate4 Simple Techniques To Teach Your Children To Meditate

Being a children’s yoga teacher, parents find it hard to believe that I can get their children to focus and sit still in class to meditate and stay quiet during relaxation time. I can attest; children absolutely can be still, it’s just a matter of how you introduce the content to them that’s important. Read more…

5 Yoga Poses That Will Transform Your Relationship5 Yoga Poses That Will Transform Your Relationship

We are all guilty of holding onto our stress, which leads to bad lifestyle habits and patterns that often find their way into our relationships. So how can yoga help you build a stronger, happy and loving relationship? Here are some of the yoga practices and poses that can directly and positively affect your relationship with yourself, others, and your loved one. Read more…

10 Gorgeous European Yoga Retreats10 Gorgeous European Yoga Retreats

Europe may be the land of wine and decadent food, but this continent also boasts some of the world’s most diverse yoga retreats! Whether you’d prefer to practice among snow-capped mountains or on a sunny Mediterranean beach, these yoga retreats will inspire you to live la belle vie—yoga style. Read more…

5 Yoga Poses To Help Tone Your Tummy5 Yoga Poses To Help Tone Your Tummy

Let me start with this: abs are created in the kitchen. The muscle tone on your body is usually around 80% due to what you are eating, BUT these 5 yoga poses will HELP develop those 6-pack abs. Remember to breathe fully throughout each pose. Read more…

5 Ways to Make Yourself Happier NOW5 Ways To Make Yourself Happier NOW

Let’s face it. We all want to be happier. We want to feel good in our bodies and energized about our lives. But, instead of looking for ways to realize these feelings are possible now, we make ourselves projects. We get stuck on the idea of ‘someday’; ‘someday when I’m thinner…’; ‘someday when I have more money…’ Read more…

Did we miss your favorite from this week’s posts? Let us know below!

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