5 Yoga Poses to Increase Back and Neck Flexibility
Yoga poses are challenging, strengthening, and restorative. Tailor your practice to hone in on areas of discomfort or pain with these neck and back poses.
Yoga poses are challenging, strengthening, and restorative. Tailor your practice to hone in on areas of discomfort or pain with these neck and back poses.
Veteran yogis know that there are certain poses that really work the arms. Try these to build upper body strength and get your arms ready for summer.
When you expand your heart space, you have more room for giving and receiving love. This month, let this heart-opening yoga sequence help you do just that.
For meditation beginners, having a spot at home where you can tune out the rest of the world helps. Here’s how to create the perfect meditation space.
Still on the fence about starting a meditation practice? DOYOU Allstar Faith Hunter shares her top 8 reasons to meditate that has changed her life!
Meditation isn’t just limited to relaxation exercises for the mind and body. Here, Faith Hunter shares surprising benefits of a regular meditation practice.
In this video, international yoga instructor Faith Hunter discusses the similarities in the benefits that yoga and meditation both bring to our lives.