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The Ultimate Summer Guide to Smoothies

Food | Lifestyle

As temperatures rise, hopefully so does your water intake, but sometimes you just need something more. There’s no better way to survive a sweltering summer day than enjoying a nutrient-rich, super refreshing, and deliciously thick smoothie.

Over the years, DOYOU has compiled seasonal drinks and recipes to keep you healthy and happy, and it’s time we unleashed our collection of smoothies (and smoothie-related literature) for your summer reading and drinking pleasure.

10 Reasons Why Smoothies Are Awesome For Yogis

Why Smoothies Are Good For You

Smoothies are a go-to in the summer when there’s triple digit heat and humidity. Though there are days I eat out, there are more days that I rely on the quick fix recipes. Smoothies are my favorite quick fix. So, here are the top ten reasons smoothies are awesome for yogis (and everyone else too!). Read more…

The Perfect After-Yoga Raspberry-Beet Protein Smoothie

The-Perfect-After-Yoga-Raspberry-Beet-Protein-SmoothieAfter a sweaty Vinyasa class I am always looking for something healthy and nutritionally dense to replenish my post-yoga body. I’ve been very into anti-inflammatory foods recently as I’ve begun to spice up my yoga practice with more dynamic movements and this Raspberry-Beet Protein Smoothie is perfect to offset any muscle soreness. Read more…

How To Make A Delicious Green Smoothie

How To Make A Delicious Green Smoothie

I’ll be the first to admit that when I first started seeing these green juices and smoothies all over the place, I swore that there was no way they could taste good and the whole juicing frenzy was just a fad that would go away with time. Two years and a vitamix later, juicing seems to be still in full swing and now I am a converted green juice skeptic who loves to see what my beloved vitamix can whip up for me. Read more…

The Powerful Beet Smoothie (Recipe)

The Powerful Beet Smoothie

Though many turn their noses up at beets recalling childhood memories of mushy pickled beets our grandmothers tried to force us to eat – beets have gotten somewhat a bad rap. Many people have never tried beets in their natural, raw state or as juice. Beets are wonderful smoothie additions adding color, fiber, flavor, and powerful nutrients. Read more…

Easy Peasy Juicing Tips for First Timers

Easy Peasy Juicing Tips

Juicing is a practice I’ve always admired, but really never participated in for a long time. My husband and I bought a juicer a few years ago with good intentions of using it, and I’m embarrassed to say it sat in the cupboard for almost two years and with barely any use. Read more…

Ready For a Blissful Alternative To Green Smoothies?

Ready For a Blissful Alternative To Green Smoothies?As a delicious and nutritious alternative to smoothies, date shakes are the bomb! They’re soothing for digestion, great for peace of mind (they’re sattvic), and balancing for all the doshas. Served warm or at room temperature, they’re a terrific way to support a healthy body, mood, and yoga practice. Here are a few of my favorite date shake recipes. Read more…

2 Tricks For Making Great Smoothies (With Recipe)

2 Tricks For Making Great Smoothies (and a RECIPE)I’ve seen many a smoothie recipe that calls for using those lovely VitaMix blenders so you can be the envy of the neighborhood when you pulverize your bananas and spinach to a pulp. If you don’t have one, you’re in luck today. I am going to tell you some awesome little smoothie-making tricks AND give you a new recipe to try! Read more…

Starbucks Jumps on the Kale Train With New Smoothies

Starbucks Jumps on the Kale Train With New Smoothies

Kale lovers can now get their fix at an unexpected place: Starbucks. The chain’s new Evolution Fresh smoothies have launched in 4,300 Starbucks stores in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California, and in select grocery stores with Starbucks locations such as Target, Safeway, and Kroger. The new line consists of three smoothies: Sweet Greens, Strawberry, and Mango Carrot. Read more…

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
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