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Ready For a Blissful Alternative To Green Smoothies?

Food | Lifestyle

Have you jumped on the smoothie bandwagon yet? The fact that they’re easy, a great way of integrating nutrients into your diet, and often pretty delicious means that smoothies have become a part of the daily diet of millions of yogis and non-yogis.

But how healthy are smoothies for YOU, really? There’s plenty of debate out there at the moment about this subject, and for good reason.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, green smoothies are most often cold, and made with ingredients that are bitter, drying, and rough that can be difficult to digest. They tend to aggravate vata which, over time and with repeated use, can actually weaken the body (by depleting ojas – the vital essence of vitality and immunity).

Non-green smoothies tend to be fruit and dairy-laden, heavy, and often made with complex combinations of ingredients which can aggravate kapha, slow the digestion and, over time, lead to weight gain.

So what’s a health-minded person to do?

The answer to that question is pretty much different for everyone, but the best approach to take is…balance. If moderation in all things is truly the key to health and happiness, then creating a healthy balance means exploring alternatives.

And here’s where things get yummy… 

As a delicious and nutritious alternative to smoothies, date shakes are the bomb! They’re soothing for digestion, great for peace of mind (they’re sattvic), and balancing for all the doshas. Served warm or at room temperature, they’re a terrific way to support a healthy body, mood, and yoga practice. Here are a few of my favorite date shake recipes.

For Vata (or during the fall/Early winter)

  • 4 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 ½ cups cow, rice, or coconut milk
  • 10 almonds that have been soaked and peeled
  • A pinch each of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric
  • A few saffron threads
  • ½ tsp of ghee (optional)

Prepare:  Boil the milk with the spices (except the saffron) until warm. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

For Pitta (or during the summer)

  • 4 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 ½ cups room temperature cow, rice, or coconut milk (favor coconut or rice milk)
  • 8 almonds that have been soaked and peeled
  • A pinch each of cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom
  • ¼ tsp Rose water
  • A few saffron threads

Prepare: Simply put all the ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

For Kapha (Or During Spring)

  • 3 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 cup cow, or rice milk
  • 6 almonds that have been soaked and peeled
  • A pinch each of cinnamon, ginger, turmeric powder
  • A few saffron threads

Prepare: Boil the milk with the spices (except the saffron) until warm. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.

Try these out and enjoy them throughout the year, but more importantly, notice how they make you feel (that goes for all food!). No one knows more about your body than you, and understanding how the food you eat really feeds your mind, body and soul is the first and most powerful step to truly being blissful!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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