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The Week In Yoga #75

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

A Guide to Yoga Poses for the ChakrasA Guide to Yoga Poses for the Chakras

We’ve been receiving a lot of messages and requests lately asking about yoga poses to balance the chakras, so here's a quick lineup of posts about yoga poses for the chakras! Read more…

5 Real-Life Benefits of Taking Your 300-Hr Yoga Teacher Training5 Real-Life Benefits of Taking Your 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

With the thousands of 200-Hour teacher trainees out there, you can absolutely set yourself apart by developing your skills further with a 300-Hour yoga teacher training. Read more…

5-Minute Yoga Practices to Relieve Work Stress5-Minute Yoga Practices to Relieve Work Stress

Work can be stressful. There is always more to do than there is time, and eventually this can really get to you. Try these short, 5-minute yoga practices to relieve work stress. Read more…

A Yogi's Guide to Mantras and Inspiring QuotesA Yogi’s Guide to Mantras and Inspiring Quotes

Here’s your ultimate guide to mantras and inspiring quotes. From the science behind mantras, to our favorite Rumi quotes, we’ve got you covered. Read more…

19 Tips To Find Your Balance In Boat Pose19 Tips To Find Your Balance In Boat Pose

Part of the reason Boat Pose is such a challenge is that while it is heavy on the core work, it is also about spinal, hip, and psoas strength, hamstring flexibility, and opening your chest. Read more…

Yoga Anatomy- Understanding the Hip RotatorsYoga Anatomy: Understanding the Hip Rotators

If your hips are healthy, work them, stretch them, and keep them mobile. Yoga is an amazing exercise that can reach all the hip’s ranges of motion to keep the hips limber and hydrated. Read more…

5 Yoga Inversions for Beginners5 Yoga Inversions for Beginners

For beginners, inversions can be intimidating, but they are definitely worth working on and integrating into your daily practice. Here are five yoga inversions to start with. Read more…

5 Signs You Need to Slow Down Your Yoga Asana Practice5 Signs You Need to Slow Down Your Yoga Asana Practice

I love the way I feel after a strong class, but I love the way I feel even more after a strong, slower paced class that gives me time and opportunity to connect my mind with my body. Read more…

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