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The Week In Yoga #43

Happiness | Lifestyle

This week in yoga we share tips and tricks to create yoga sequences for your classes, understand the 8 limbs of yoga, push through with your life (and fitness) goals, and we also feature six fabulous Instagram yogis who inspire and show everyone that yoga is for every body.

Oh, and we’re also giving away free lifetime access passes to The Complete Guide to Meditation by the ultra fly Faith Hunter. Scroll to the bottom to get the deets! Here’s some of the week’s top posts:

5 Steps to Bust Self-Sabotage and Stop Blocking Your Opportunities5 Steps to Bust Self-Sabotage and Stop Blocking Your Opportunities

I’ve designed this road map to refocus your time and energy on the things that will actually make a difference, instead of road-blocking you from making progress. Read more…

Speed Up to Slow Down How Running Changed My Yoga PracticeSpeed Up to Slow Down: How Running Changed My Yoga Practice

After a couple of years, yoga lost some of its original power. I reached a plateau. My mind and my body needed more. Practicing every day wasn’t enough anymore. Read more…

The 8 Limbs of Yoga Simplified (Kind of)The 8 Limbs of Yoga Simplified (Kind of)

The first time the eight limbs were explained to me, the Sanskrit words confused me. How was I supposed to a) Memorise this stuff, b) Practice it and then c) Accomplish all of it? Read more…

6 Big and Beautiful Yogis You Should Follow on Instagram6 Big and Beautiful Yogis You Should Follow on Instagram

In a world filled with negative messages about curvy bodies, it can be disheartening to see toxic attitudes even in the yoga community. These six big and beautiful ladies prove that yoga is for every body. Read more…

10 Questions About Yoga Answered by Erin Motz10 Questions About Yoga Answered by Erin Motz

We held an ‘Ask Me Anything’ community event where DOYOU readers were given a chance to ask the awesome Erin Motz any questions they had about yoga and asana practice. Read more…

Science Proves Ashtanga Yoga Is Good for YouScience Proves Ashtanga Yoga Is Good for You

Scientists have proven what we yogis have been experiencing for ourselves: that yoga can have a profound impact on our physical health and mental wellbeing, fast. Read more…

Developing a Critical Eye for Yoga SequencingDeveloping a Critical Eye for Yoga Sequencing

Having a critical eye means understanding both how the body can and should move in postures, AND translating that information into your yoga sequence to create suitable postures and modifications. Read more…

Giveaway - 3 x Access Passes to The Complete Guide to Meditation with Faith Hunter (Worth $59)Giveaway – 3 x Access Passes to The Complete Guide to Meditation with Faith Hunter (Worth $59)

Tens of thousands have signed up to join Faith Hunter’s 30-Day Meditation Challenge. And we know a lot of you guys are already dreading the days you have left in the challenge and wish it could continue. Well, we read your comments and we hear you!

That’s why we’re giving three DYY readers a chance to enjoy The Complete Guide to Meditation by Faith Hunter for FREE! Find out how you can join right here.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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