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The Week In Yoga #79

Happiness | Lifestyle

Gatwick Airport in UK Now Has a Yoga Room TooGatwick Airport in UK Now Has a Yoga Room, Too

Gatwick Airport teamed up with Instagram yogi Shona Vertue to create a 20-minute yoga video for people to watch before boarding. Read more…

5 Yoga Poses for Basketball Players5 Yoga Poses for Basketball Players

If you’re an athlete who hasn’t tried yoga yet, it’s time to kick off those sneakers, and stretch out those hamstrings. Yoga is about to improve your game, and your life. Read more…

5 Famous Athletes Who Do Yoga5 Famous Athletes Who Do Yoga

These fit folks have found the hardcore workout, discipline, and relaxation/meditative aspects of yoga make for an extraordinary experience. Read more…

Cardio Yoga Sequence with Sadie Nardini (VIDEO)Cardio Yoga Sequence with Sadie Nardini (VIDEO)

If you wanna burn more calories and get your workout out of the way in less than 15 minutes, then you’ve come to the right place! Read more…

14 Effective Meditations for Young Children14 Effective Meditations for Young Children

Are you up for a journey with no definite destination to just let ourselves be? Here are 14 meditations for young children you can try. Read more…

10 Famous Men Who Do Yoga10 Famous Men Who Do Yoga

Who doesn’t love a yoga guy? There’s just something about men doing yoga that makes us love them even more. Here are 10 famous men who do yoga. Read more…

Top 5 Yoga Poses for RelaxationTop 5 Yoga Poses for Relaxation

Our daily routine can often be a blur, not noticing how depleting this pace is, and that we need to make time for ourselves. Here are my top five, go-to yoga poses for relaxation. Read more….

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