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Sunday Morning in Athens: An Ashtanga Yoga Demo (VIDEO)

Types of Yoga | Yoga

Need ideas on how to spend your weekend? Maybe skip the late night ’til early morning drinks on Saturday and have a yoga-filled Sunday morning like yoga teacher (and always a student) Sofia Xirotiri in this video.

Okay, so most of us won’t be waking up in beautiful Athens on Sunday, but who cares? With some sunshine and the right music, you too can get mentally and spiritually transported by yoga to any beautiful destination you want.

So whether you’re a long-time Ashtangi or a fab beginner yogi, this Ashtanga yoga demo will give you all the motivation and inspiration you need to get on your mat this weekend. Enjoy!

Video credit: George Charisis

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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