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Watch This Man Do Amazing Horseback Yoga (VIDEO)

Lifestyle | People

Remember when we talked about an Argentinian school that uses yoga and asana to bond with traumatized horses and tame them? Well now, there’s a Colombian yogi who practices what is now being called horseback yoga.

According to the Buzzfeed video, Badaki has been practicing yoga with horses for only a few years, and he emphasizes the need to connect with the animal before practicing because horseback yoga beyond asana. He says, “it is more about breathing and immersing yourself in the serenity and tranquility with the horse.”

Sound unbelievable? Watch the video and be amazed at how Badaki practices yoga with these beautiful, majestic creatures.

Video credit: Buzzfeed News

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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