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The Week in Yoga #84

Happiness | Lifestyle

This week's edition of the Week in Yoga is all about staying calm in the lead-up to the holiday season. Keep your yoga going as the weather gets cold, and when you're done practicing, try making these awesome yogic Christmas decorations.

Check it all out here, and let us help you stay calm during this crazy season. Enjoy!

practice yoga this winter7 Reasons to Practice Yoga This Winter

Get ready for below-freezing temperatures, lots of snow, and long winter naps! Winter is here, and with it comes the many excuses to stay inside. But don’t let the cold keep you from your yoga practice! Read more…

ways to stay calm10 Ways to Stay Calm This Christmas

It’s that time of year again. We’re shopping for all the best gifts and gadgets, baking up a storm for the holiday parties, giving extra time, money, and energy to all the things that come with the season. What does all that amount to? Read more…

back stretches to relieve tensionEasy Back Stretches to Relieve Tension

Our backs hold so much tension, especially this time of year, between travel, shopping, winter sports, and holiday stress. Yoga is extremely kind to our backs and helps us strengthen and lengthen the muscles in our back and hips. Read more…

christmas hacks20 Fantastic Christmas Hacks

If Christmas causes you more stress that merriment, this post is for you. We all know the pressure of finding the perfect gift, throwing a holiday party, decorating, sending out holiday cards, preparing Christmas dinner, and trying to stay sane among holiday shoppers. Read more…

stay stress free9 Tips to Stay Stress Free Through the Festive Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly… That’s a lovely idea, but in reality it can be more like “’tis the season to be freaking out!” As joyful and fun as Christmas is meant to be, stress definitely has a knack of building up to the point of combustion at this time of year. Read more…

yogic christmas decorations5 Most Yogic Christmas Decorations

Isn’t it fun decking the halls with boughs of holly? So the world knows you’re festive, but how will they know you’re yogic? Here are 5 ways to make Christmas decor a bit more yogic. Read more…

reduce anxiety3 Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Whether brought on by a specific experience or if it comes up out of nowhere, it can be so difficult to calm down your mind and body. However, if you find yourself in an anxiety prone situation, it’s great to have a toolbox of tactics to fight off those nerves. Read more…

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