This week in yoga had some awesome news for prenatal yoga, how to do Standing Backbend pose, thoughts on why yoga studios are still important in our online world, and some ways to practice Yin yoga… even off the mat. We hope you enjoy!
How to do Standing Backbend Pose or Anuvittasana
I find that any time I begin my practice standing, a Standing Backbend becomes the base of my practice. I start out very gently and then go deeper with each vinyasa. Read more…
3 Yoga Poses for the Office
One of the worst things many of us do for our bodies on a daily basis is to sit hunched over our desk typing or staring at a screen. This sort of inactivity and posture constricts our breathing, creates tension in the upper back, and puts the whole body out of balance. Read more…
Are the Yamas and Niyamas the Rules of Yoga?
Many people know that the philosophical side of yoga usually follows the Eight Limbs, otherwise known as Ashtanga. Some think Ashtanga is meant in the way of the physical practice, but here I am speaking of the Eight Limbs of Yoga. Read more…
Yoga During Pregnancy: New Study Approves More Poses
If you’re a mama-to-be, there’s some good news in regards to your yoga practice! A new study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology says that there are three new poses that are safe for women to do during pregnancy. Read more…
4 Genuine Ways to Practice Yin Yoga Off the Mat
The impact yoga has on our life is so much more than just having a great time on the mat. If we’re lucky we practice for what, an hour every day? That’s about 4% of our lives, so what about the other 96%? How do we make sure we’re living as consciously as we can? Read more…
5 Reasons Why Yoga Studios are Important
Yoga studios are essential for both the student and the teacher. In this digital, social, media-energized virtual world, it is evident to me that people still crave human connection. The most important contribution studios offer is community. Read more…
7 Yoga Poses for Cheerleaders
Cheerleaders are some of the most flexible, courageous athletes out there. But with so many yoga poses to choose from, it’s not always easy to know where to start. Read more…