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The Week In Yoga #31

Happiness | Lifestyle

Curvy yogis, yoga and sciatica, delicious bliss balls, Bikram 'breakups,' and yep—even Madonna's arms. We've got all of that and more in this week's yoga roundup!

We've got a pretty awesome list for you today of the week's top posts, so let's start with something chill. Something like…

Child's Pose for Relaxation (With Video)Child’s Pose for Relaxation (With Video)

Child’s Pose or Balasana thoroughly deserves its reputation as one of the most relaxing yoga poses. It helps calm and slow down an agitated mind, which is actually where a lot of our stress begins in the first place. Read more…

My Breakup with Bikram How Vinyasa Flow Yoga Stole My HeartMy Breakup with Bikram: How Vinyasa Flow Yoga Stole My Heart

While Bikram yoga its place in my heart and I enjoy it, it's not with the same passion that I once felt. Here are four reasons Vinyasa Flow yoga has changed my mind and my yoga practice. Read more…

10 Ways to Rock Your Curves on the Yoga Mat

10 Ways to Rock Your Curves on the Yoga Mat

It’s helpful to know how best to make the practice work for you so you can take any yoga class with confidence and peace of mind. Here are 10 yoga tips for curvy ladies. Read more…

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Yoga Teacher Training10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Yoga Teacher Training

I am forever inspired and in awe of anyone who wants to teach. They are hungry enough to be curious and brave enough to question, even though they have no idea where the answer will take them. Read more…

A Moment of Yogic Gratitude for Madonna’s ArmsA Moment of Yogic Gratitude for Madonna’s Arms

In 1998, Madonna went on Oprah and spoke of the spiritual and mental benefits of her yoga practice, and how it was a metaphor for life. And just like that, she sparked an uprising. Read more…

Yoga Therapy For SciaticaYoga Therapy for Sciatica (Includes Basic Yoga Postures)

Yoga can be extremely helpful in relieving sciatica. Like physical therapy, an appropriate yoga practice can stretch and strengthen affected muscles and enhance postural alignment. Read more…

A Yoga Backbend Sequence for Love and Creativity

A Yoga Backbend Sequence for Love and Creativity

True love starts from within, and when you do the following yoga sequence, you will directly practice giving your body, mind, and heart some kickass loving. Read more…

Recipe Ayurvedic Bliss Balls1Recipe: Ayurvedic Bliss Balls

if you’re looking for something good (and good for you) to give to those you like and love this year, check out this recipe for one of my favorite healthy treats. Each one delivers an ojas-boosting hit of homemade love! Read more…

Did we miss your favorite post from this week? Let us know in the comments below!

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