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The Week In Yoga #23

Happiness | Lifestyle

Whether your daily grind consists of heading to the office early, waking up early to get the kids ready for school, or making it to the studio early to open its doors (or all or a combination of that?), we can all agree that life can get a little too busy sometimes.

So to make catching up with the latest news and updates a lil bit easier for you, here's a  roundup of this week's top posts:

5 Reasons To Practice Downward Dog Every Day5 Reasons To Practice Downward Dog Every Day

how often do you pause and really take the time to dig into your Downward Dog, to really allow it to nourish and nurture your body? Here are five reasons why you should mindfully practice this pose every day. Read more…

Emotional Discomfort Versus Physical PainEmotional Discomfort Versus Physical Pain

When I first started practicing yoga, as well as wanting to get my leg behind my head(!), I was very keen for my front shin to be all the way parallel to the front of the mat in Pigeon. Why? Essentially, my Type A personality decided that was the goal. Read more…

9 Yoga Poses And Mantras For Happiness9 Yoga Poses And Mantras For Happiness

Much of our unhappiness comes from our thoughts or feelings because we judge our experiences in terms of good or bad. Not only does yoga and meditation gently remove these self-judgments, but with time, it can begin to reshape our attitudes, views, and thoughts. Read more…

Why You Should Always Practice Savasana

Why You Should Always Practice Savasana

Savasana puts us back in our place, so to speak. Practicing at least five minutes serves as a visit home, where we invite presence or an acknowledgment of being right here and right now into the moment. Read more…

Finding The Balance Between Yoga And Strength TrainingFinding The Balance Between Yoga And Strength Training

Ideally, you want to find a balance between strength and flexibility in your yoga poses. Whether you have strength without flexibility, or flexibility without strength, the individual will likely end up injured because there is a lack of balance. Read more…

5 Hallmarks of An Authentic Yoga Teacher5 Hallmarks of An Authentic Yoga Teacher

Something told me that there were some sure-shot indicators that could reveal whether the person standing in front of me, or the face staring back at me from the mirror was a “true yoga teacher” or not. So I reflected on this matter – and this is what I got… Read more…

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