From funny yoga videos to asana tips and techniques, to meditation, Ayurveda, and inspirational stories…you guys, what did we not cover this week??
So to get you up to speed, check out some of the week’s top posts below.
Oh, and if you have a specific idea or topic in mind that we did miss, the comment box is right there (just scroll waaay down) waiting for you, so let us know what you’d like to see covered on DYY!
6 Backbends For Every Yoga Practice Level
Backbends can be hard and they can be scary. But you also don’t have to immediately drop into a full wheel from a standing position. There are postures to ease into backbending and there are postures that will push you to your edge. Read more…
5 Reasons To Practice Squats Every Day
There are some poses that truly deserve to be a part of your practice every day, and in my opinion, squats are one of those poses. Here are five reasons why you may want to consider adding some squats to your asana practice. Read more…
Yoga To Help You Heal From Breakups
I’m quite sure that nearly everyone can agree from first-hand experience how horrible a breakup can be. What better way to reconnect with yourself than through yoga, whose very meaning is “union”? Yoga is the perfect compliment to a break-up recovery plan. Read more…
Just Because You Practice Yoga, Doesn’t Mean You Are A Yogi
There are yoga archetypes that can be identified in almost every class and I judge every one of them. Sorry, auto correct – I meant I accept them fully for who they are on their journey. Read more…
Why My Tears In Savasana Lead Me To Inner Peace
Here’s what happens: I’m lying there, in Savasana, floating on the edge of consciousness and awareness, and I am tuning out the sounds of the world around me—and I am suddenly and terrifyingly alone with my thoughts. Read more…
This Stressed Out Yoga Teacher Is Hilarious (VIDEO)
This funny parody shows juuust how stressful subbing can be as the teacher (played by Bridget Barkan) tries to keep her shit together with hilarious results. Watch, laugh, and maybe even “bring your heel right up to your hooha” while you stand and watch. Read more…
5 Tips To Help With Arm Balances
While I haven’t quite mastered the perfect Scorpion, Handstand, or Forearm Balance, I have made friends with them. It took me a while, but reflecting back, there were some key things that really made a difference in my quest to get airborne. I hope they work for you too! Read more…
10 Quick Tips If You Wanna Be A Yogipreneur
Let’s bring to light some realities around our work as yoga educators, and demystify the concept that it’s impossible to create a yoga career that is sustainable, fulfilling, and frankly…pays the freakin’ bills. First of all, it’s possible. There are yoga-preneurs doing it. Read more…