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The Ultimate Guide to Downward Facing Dog

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is one of the most common, challenging, and beloved poses. Chances are that in any given yoga class, Down Dog will be used as a strengthening pose, a pose for flexibility, or even a resting pose. In other words, you'll be seeing it a lot.

That's why we're sharing our favorite Down Dog tips today–so you can learn it and love it!

5 Reasons To Practice Downward Dog Every Day

5 Reasons To Practice Downward Dog Every Day

Downward Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, is one of the most commonly practiced and most iconic yoga postures around. In fact, I would be willing to bet that when most people think of ‘yoga,’ this pose naturally comes to mind.

But how often do you pause and really take the time to dig into your Downward Dog, to really allow it to nourish and nurture your body? Read more…

10 Alignment Tips To Improve Your Downward Dog

10 Alignment Tips To Improve Your Downward Dog

It’s got to be the most recognized of all yoga poses, right? Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Down Dog appears in most styles of yoga as either a strengthening pose, a transition pose, or a resting pose. Getting the alignment right is not only important for your anatomy, it also helps you truly love this pose. Read more…

3 Tips To Help You Get More Out Of Your Downward Dog

Mistakes in Downward-Facing Dog

Down Dog (Ardo Mukha Svanasana) is one of the most widely used postures. It’s both challenging and satisfying because you are building strength and stretching, working the entire body at the same time. It’s also a pose that people easily fall into autopilot mode with. It’s important to tune in to the details as they can help you create subtle but significant changes so you can receive all the amazing benefits. Read more…

How Do I Prevent Slipping In Downward Dog?

How Do I Prevent Slipping In Downward Dog

The Question: How do I prevent slipping in Downward Dog? I’ve tried different mats, towels, but nothing seems to work. ~Elisha

The Answer: There are tons of elements that can contribute to handling sweat and slippage during our yoga practice. As you already mentioned, changing up the type of mat you use or slipping a towel underneath your hands are often easy fixes. Read more…

5 Tips for Twisted Downward Dog Pose


You’re in Downward Facing Dog and the teacher asks you to take your right hand to your outer left leg…Say what? Just wrapping your head around what’s being asked of you can throw you for a loop, now you’ve got to not only lift a hand in Down Dog, but also take said hand across your body to the outside of the opposite leg. Not an easy feat! Read more…

Why Do My Wrists Hurt in Downward-Facing Dog?

Why Do My Wrists Hurt in Downward-Facing Dog?

There could be several reasons why your wrists are not feeling so hot in Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana), but more than likely, it comes down to weight distribution and team work. When you’re newer to the practice, Downward-Facing Dog looks like a pose where you are holding yourself up with your arms only. Actually, there’s more to it than that. Read more…

4 Variations for Downward-Facing Dog Pose

4 Variations for Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is a fundamental posture in yoga because it feels awesome all over and has so many kickass benefits. Read more…

3 Tips to Refine Your Downward Dog

3 Tips to Refine Your Downward Dog

As I look around the room in my classes, I can’t help but cringe a little at the undue tension I see students creating in their necks, traps and shoulders in Down Dog. For arguably being the one pose we do the most, there seems to be a lot of confusion on exactly what it is and how it’s done. There are even discrepancies amongst us yoga teachers as to the placement of the hands. Read more…

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