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Six Pack Yoga with Sadie Nardini (VIDEO)

Yoga | Yoga Videos

It’s the summertime, season of the mid-riffs and swimming suits, so there’s no better time to solidify your core than now. The best benefits aren’t even the ones you’ll notice while at the beach, they’re the ones you’ll notice in your asana practice.

In this quick and intense six pack yoga video, Sadie Nardini leads us through a muscle-burning routine that will stabilize your balance postures, help you get up into inversions, and provide endurance on those core-heavy poses. If you love this workout and want to focus intensely on some other areas too, check out Sadie’s FREE 14 Day Yoga Shred Challenge.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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