Yoga Is For Everybody? Not Quite...

This 2-minute quiz shows you if yoga is for you. Or what you should do instead.

Giveaway – 3 x Lifetime Passes to the Yoga for Pregnancy Video Course

Family | Lifestyle

One of the messages and questions we always receive are from expectant moms asking if there’s a way for them to also practice yoga during their pregnancy. Well, your OB-GYN’s advice definitely comes first, but for those who have the go-ahead from their doctors, you’ll love today’s giveaway!

Those who loved the Yoga for Beginners Starter Kit will also love Kristin’s teaching style in the Yoga for Pregnancy course as she guides you through short video classes designed especially for moms-to-be.

How you can join: Simple—just post a comment below!

Here’s what winners will get:

  • Lifetime access to a full coverage prenatal yoga health and fitness program that carries you through your pregnancy from start to finish
  • 3 in-depth and intensive prenatal yoga classes as well as individual pose modifications and tips for pregnancy
  • Easy progress tracking that lets you watch your personal progress bar advance as you grow not just your belly but also your practice
  • Full access to the DOYOU community so you can connect and practice with yogis (pregnant and otherwise) from all around the world.

The contest ends May 19, 2015, so go ahead—Tweet, share, and comment away, and you could be this week’s lucky giveaway winner!

Congratulations to @marcfo, @cburd09, and @adanby for winning the giveaway!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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