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Core Strength Yoga for Men (VIDEO)

Fitness | Weight Loss

A strong core goes way beyond just having toned abs. This is why in this core strength yoga for men video, Raghunath takes you through a flow that engages not just your abs and obliques, but also your leg, back, and arm muscles.

Watch and learn with Raghunath as he takes you through plank and side plank variations, Chaturangas, Forward Folds, and even heart openers, so you get all-around strength building and you can start to hold core-engaging poses longer.

This class is part of the free 30-Day Men’s Yoga Challenge (note: it’s not just yoga for men, ladies are welcome too!) — sign up here if you want more awesome classes with Raghunath!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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