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Yoga for Beginners – Coordinating Your Breath With Movement (VIDEO)

Yoga | Yoga Videos

The most important part of yoga is coordinating breath with movement. By bringing your mind and body into balance, you are able to see reality clearly. If the mind is in a disturbed state, focused on the external world, there is confusion and a basic lack of clarity.

Through deep breathing techniques based on the Ujjai Pranayama in Ashtanga Yoga you gain access to the natural state of a clam, clear, and present mind. In simple movements that take the spine from extension to flexion, you begin to apply the deep breathing to the asana practice. It is the deceptively simple movement that holds the key to yoga’s magic.

This article is part of “Yoga for Beginners with Kino MacGregor“, an exclusive mini video series on

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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