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How Yoga Can Help You Beat Anxiety

Anxiety | Health

It's not a secret that yoga is responsible for a variety of health benefits, both physical and mental. It might sound like a cliché, but for many people out there yoga really is a highly effective way to beat anxiety and panic disorders.

If you are suffering from anxiety, panic attacks or similar symptoms, it is crucial that you take control of your mind and thoughts. Stop focusing on the negative things that surround you, start breathing and start taking control of the real YOU again. Yoga can help you achieve exactly that. Here are a few ideas that will enhance your mindfulness, reduce nervous feelings, and ease stress.

Breathing Exercises – Calm Down

Yoga breathing exercises can help you to control your anxiety, as you will have a direct effect on your heart rate when you learn to steady and control your breathing. As you slow down your breathing, your body will begin to calm, as will your heart rate, thoughts, and mind. Breathing exercises through yoga are similar to those found in meditation, as they work to clear the mind and create a feeling of relaxation throughout the whole body. Yoga breathing exercises can also help with dizziness, promote rational thinking, and stop adrenaline from coursing through your body.

Yoga Sequences – Boost Your Confidence

Doing yoga poses and sequences will help you get back in touch with your body. As you go on practicing the asanas, you will slowly start to realize that you're not as weak as you might have thought. You will become more confident about yourself and your body. This can help you to overcome fears and prevent the dangers that are associated with anxiety. You will be less nervous regain a peaceful state of mind.

Visualization – Discover Happiness

Visualization is also used in yoga as a way to relax and re-focus. It works to expand your ability to rest by focusing your mind on images that are more serene and calming. Instead of concentrating on the negative, you start to concentrate on the good things. Negative thoughts bring you down, decrease your mood and make you unhappy. Positive thoughts, on the other hand, give you drive, motivation and happiness. It's crazy how much of a difference a happy mind can make.

The beautiful thing about yoga is that you can use it in so many different ways. Anxiety starts in your head – if you give in to negative thoughts and worries, they will take over your mind AND your body. This is why yoga is such an effective means when it comes to beating anxiety. It combines exercises for your mind and your body, re-builds your self-confidence and calms your mind.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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