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Yoga Around Europe

Lifestyle | Travel

6 countries, 7 days. That's how my love and I spent our Easter. Travelling by car from Spain to Croatia and then flying to Germany and back to Spain has been pretty exhausting…but absolutely amazing!

Yoga was the only constant in our travel equation, whether it was our morning wake-up jumpstart, on-the-go stop and drop, or evening relaxing sleeping pill. I just love how we're connected while practicing together – our bodies create such powerful energy that it itself creates movement which develops into asana. No matter how tired we were, we just kept going and circling our energy. It's amazing what just two people can do when in sync.

Spain, France, and Monaco

One of the most incredible things this crazy journey has taught us is that different countries, social circles and different surroundings create new levels of energy, consciousness and feelings. Beginning our route in Spain, with the warm sun bathing our bodies, our first practice was flowing perfectly. The energy was rising, breathing deepened, and mind was relaxing. All being the exact same characteristics of the country we were in.

Our next stop was France, where it was a bit colder and cloudy, which resulted in our practice being a bit stiff and off- balanced.

When we entered Monaco, the sun blasting from the sky and the crowds of people in Monte Carlo who were there because of a tennis match, caused our bodies to quickly warm up during our yoga practice and to keep our breathing a bit lighter than the day before.

Italy, Croatia, and Berlin

Italy was a challenge – rain, cold, gloomy. But, due to our enormous desire to visit the beautiful village of Cinque Terre, we managed to push through all the obstacles and maintain a well- balanced and focused practice, even stopping and dropping a few poses on the way in the pouring rain.

Easter was spent with our families in Croatia, which, despite the poor weather, created a wonderful flow to our practice because of all the love that was shared and enhanced due to not seeing them in a long time. Our next stop was Berlin, Germany – I must say here we troubled the most. The travelling from the last few days was catching up on us and our tired bodies just couldn’t perform at their best, so our practice slowed down, relaxed and made us use modifications wherever we could.

Finally, coming back home to Spain, seeing the perfect blue sky and smelling the sea air immediately arose our bodies and soul and gave us that extra push to make it through the last day and get some deserved rest.

Yoga is a way of living. We live it, we breathe it, we share it. Our current physical, mental and emotional state, the people around us and the environment surrounding us reflect upon it. So, be aware of Where, When, and with or around Whom you are practicing it – It affects you more than you think.


Karla Tafraby Karla Tafra – I am a yoga teacher from Croatia, but now living in Malaga(Spain). My love towards yoga pushed me to teaching so I finished a RYT200 in Gaia Yoga School in Croatia at the age of only 19. I love sharing my experience with others, seeing progress in my students and discovering everyday how much I can affect on others and how much I can improve myself. I have experience in both practicing and teaching all styles of yoga, but most of my practice revolves around Vinyasa , Ashtanga, Hatha and Prenatal.

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