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Why We Breathe – A Yoga Documentary (VIDEO)

Yoga | Yoga Videos

This Jonathan Pears documentary explores the motivations people have for practicing yoga, and it’s nothing short of breathtaking. While part of its genius lies in its clean-cut editing, masterful cinematography, and thoughtful interviewing, what shines here is the very real insight from the documentary subjects themselves.

Having had the privilege of extracting such rich, raw, and authentic testimonials from revered yoga teachers and luminaries like Kathryn Budig, John and Chris Yax, Tiffany Cruikshank, Angela Tara-Hsu, Briohny Smyth, and Dice Iida-Klein, “Why We Breathe” is the film you want to show to family members and friends who remain skeptical of yoga’s merits.

If watching this doesn’t inspire them to start their own practice or join you in class, then at the very least, it’ll get them to understand why yoga matters to you so much.

Credit: Back to Awake on Vimeo

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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