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Why It’s Important to Have a Support Team

Meditation | Meditation for Beginners

When I get on my mat, I love that often it is in the company of others in a class setting. But even when I practice alone, I always have my block, tie, blanket, and eye pillow to fully support the experience of my practice.

Whenever I gather these items I am always reminded that I don’t have to do everything alone, and that my practice on and off the mat is enriched when I call upon my support team.

One of the stories I always carry with me to further help me remember this idea comes from my friend Katie Brauer from her time as a professional snowboarder. As a pro-athlete she was successful not only because of her efforts, but because of the amazing people she had on her team.

An on-snow coach, off-snow coach, massage therapist, physical therapist, chiropractor, and stretch specialist made up her well rounded crew. Even though I am not a pro-athlete, I love this concept, and I’m grateful I’ve created a support team of my own who all help me excel on my path.

My Support Team

In addition to my amazing family and friends who always offer support, I have a massage therapist, facial specialist, a few favorite yoga teachers who pamper, a marketing and communication professional, accounting support, web expert, holistic chiropractor, philosophy teacher, financial advisor, life coach, and a handful of high quality local food restaurants I can depend on when I’m taking a break from cooking.

With all these stellar beings in my life, I feel very nourished on a physical as well as mental/emotional level. I truly feel blessed, and I wonder why anyone would think it’s a good idea to go at life alone, without support, or try to do it all.

If money is the issue, sell it to someone else. How much do you spend on clothes, shoes, Starbucks, alcoholic drinks, or unnecessary junk?

Treat Yourself

Create a support team fund and treat yourself to a massage every two months, barter, do one life coaching session, outsource a task so you can actually be doing more of what you want to do, and don’t forget to get resourceful!

All of nature works in conjunction with other species to create mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships. Humans are no different.

If all the ideas above present some resistance, start small and take inventory of your practice. Do you always do yoga without any props? Run an experiment and gather a support team of props to explore your practice in a new way.

From there start to add more people to your real life support crew and observe what shifts.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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