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Top 3 Essential Oils for Winter

Healing | Health

Aromatherapy is a natural healing modality that uses the essential oils of both trees and plants in an incredible variety of ways. It’s an art and a science, which revolves around the harnessing of the healing effects of essential oils to restore and rejuvenate our lives.

During cold, dark winter months, these essential oils can really come in handy—especially for those of us dealing with compromised immune systems, holiday stress, and seasonal depression. Here are 3 of the top essential oils for winter to add to your natural medicine cabinet.

1. Frankincense

Frankincense has potent anti-inflammatory properties that work to support our immune response. It's a powerful oil said to alleviate autoimmune reactions related to diseases such as lupus.

Psychologically speaking, frankincense essential oil helps to balance the nervous system while also helping us tap into our relaxation response. When we do this, we feel more expansive, less anxious, and definitely less depressed. Frankincense is an expensive essential oil, but a little goes a long way.

2. Peppermint

Peppermint is one of the most energizing oils in the aromatherapy healing pantheon, and is perfect for perking us up during the dark, dreary winter season. Allison Eaton, lead yoga teacher trainer for the Yandara Yoga Institute, loves using peppermint essential oil during the winter.

"It’s an adaptive scent that helps to clear our minds AND our nasal passages. You can use peppermint to greatly ease your congestion," she says. "I also like to mix it with a carrier oil for a soothing tummy rub for upset stomachs and digestive issues."

3. Sweet Orange

Sweet orange oil works as a mild sedative and natural relaxant. It's a great mood booster that has an uplifting and brightening effect on our psyches. Citrus oils are really useful to have around during the winter. Treat yourself to regular self-massages made from sweet orange oil and your favorite carrier oil such as sweet almond oil.

If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, this one's a must for your basic home aromatherapy kit.

With the cold winter chill enveloping us, we can all benefit from these healing plant essences. Essential oils also make for lovely little gifts for us yogis and yoginis. These 3 essential oils would make a perfect little healing kit for holiday and winter season.

Image credit: AlissaYoga

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