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The Top 10 Yoga Blogs 2012

Lifestyle | People

We love yoga – and so do you. And you know what's awesome about that? There are kazillions of others out there who share this love. One result of this is that no matter where you go, the next yoga website isn't far. But quite frankly, finding really good, unbiased and insightful information about yoga can be hard. Most yoga blogs are either way to corporate-looking (tons of photos of awkwardly smiling models in lotus pose) or absolutely not user-friendly (no visual objects at all, just pages and pages of dry text).

I took the liberty to compile my top 10 yoga blogs for all of you. I chose to just skip the widely known ones such as YogaJournal, ElephantJournal and MindBodyGreen. In any case, don't take the ranking positions too serious. All of the blogs below are definitely worth checking out!

10) Peace Love Yoga

This might very well be one of the most beautiful yoga blogs out there. It looks like a Pinterest board at first, but reveals tons of great articles, videos and photos once you start clicking around.

9) YogaGlo Blog

YogaGlo actually offers (paid) online yoga classes. However, their (free) blog is very informative and comes with lots of cool videos and tutorials.

8) Yogi Times

Yogi Times is more of a yoga community. The only reason I put it here is because I really like the concept. People can write, post and advertise their own ideas to a large community of yoga and healthy living enthusiasts.

7) Beer Asana

Your read right! Yoga for beer people. This blog is awesome. Not only because I love beer, but because it's an outspoken yoga blog that skips all the bla bla and doesn't mince matters. It's funny, it's informative and it's not mainstream. Love it!

6) It's All Yoga, Baby

A very good personal yoga blog by yoga teacher and geeky girl Roseanne Harvey. What I like about it is that it mixes yoga news with practical articles about yoga practice. I've been following it for a looong time.

5) YogaSpy

I only stumbled across this blog a few weeks ago. YogaSpy is a personal blog and I really enjoy reading it. It's definitely on the more outspoken side and covers all kinds of topics around yoga practice, yoga culture and exercise.

4) DailyDownwardDog

DailyDownwardDog is a classical yoga blog around everything related to yoga. There's something about Maria's (founder of DDD) writing style that I just really like. She's very inspiring. I recommend you sign up for her newsletter!

3) DoYogaWithMe

Okay, another site that's actually not really a blog. However, I LOVE this website. They have tons of super insightful, instructional yoga videos (usually between 0.5 and 1 hour long) and all of them are free. As long as they don't turn this into a paid website, this is in my top 10.

2) DailyCupOfYoga

This yoga blog has been around for a while now and it is a great and regularly updated resource with an active community. It's a very personal blog and one of the very few yoga websites that is run by a guy (Brian). Definitely worth checking out!

1) YogaDork

YogaDork! Obviously one of my favorite yoga blogs. The NY Times says it's "a kind of for yogis". I love it because it's fun to read, the makers have humor and it's way more up-to-date than most yoga blogs. Definitely read it!

DOYOU would be nothing without the vibrant yoga community out there! All the websites mentioned above inspire us on a daily basis. We hope that you find them just as inspiring as us and go have a look at them!

What is YOUR favorite yoga blog?!? Comment below…


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