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The Week In Yoga #77

Happiness | Lifestyle

For today's Week In Yoga, we give a special shout out to word nerds and book lovers — get your fill of inspiring yoga quotes and sayings AND yoga poses you can do while reading!

If you're neither word nerd nor book lover, no worries! This week's roundup has yoga pose variations and asana tips that you'll enjoy too.

Yoga for Word Nerds - 14 Favorite Yoga Quotes and SayingsYoga for Word Nerds: 14 Favorite Yoga Quotes and Sayings

From pithy pearls, to the practical and sometimes profound, I come to class for lessons in mastering life, as much as asana. Here are a few of my favorite yoga quotes and sayings. Read more…

How to Do Two-Legged Inverted Staff PoseHow to Do Two-Legged Inverted Staff Pose

This is an advanced, super deep backbend and chest opener. It should not be practiced by beginner yogis, injured yogis, and certainly not if you haven’t warmed up yet. Read more…

Your Guide to Yoga for the OfficeYour Guide to Yoga for the Office

Do you work in an office, and want to find ways to relax and get rid of all the pesky aches and pains that come from sitting in an office chair? Then this list is for you! Read more…

7 Variations for a More Comfortable Childs Pose7 Variations for a More Comfortable Child’s Pose

Have you ever dropped into Child’s Pose and been uncomfortable and you couldn’t get a part of your body to cooperate? Try some of the following variations to support a more comfortable Child’s Pose. Read more…

How Yoga Helps You Feel Amazing On The InsideHow Yoga Helps You Feel Amazing on the Inside

the postures are helping us to build both strength and flexibility, but it’s the internal benefits that are perhaps the most powerful and make you feel amazing. Read more…

4 Ways to Keep Your Back Safe in Yoga Poses4 Ways to Keep Your Back Safe in Yoga Poses

Yoga is an amazing practice to keep your back muscles strong, thereby improving or helping to maintain good posture. Here are four general tips on how to keep your back safe. Read more…

7 Yoga Poses You Can Do While Reading7 Yoga Poses You Can Do While Reading

These seven yoga poses are great if you don’t want to lose your place on the book you're reading, but want to get your practice in for the day. Read more…

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