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The Week In Yoga #76

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Everyone seems to be super busy nowadays, don’t you agree? That’s why the goal of our The Week In Yoga installments is to put together the top reads of the past week so you can catch up on your yoga reading in just one click.

So without further ado, here are our top reading picks just in case you missed them. Enjoy!

5 Alignment Tips for Upward Facing Dog5 Alignment Tips for Upward Facing Dog

This is a great pose for strengthening the upper body, arms and the wrists, as well as stretching the shoulders and improving the overall posture. Read more…

Yoga for Mind and Body Transformation (VIDEO)10-Minute Yoga Flow for Mind and Body Transformation (VIDEO)

Let Raghunath guide you through a quick, 10-minute yoga flow practice that’ll leave you feeling better than ever before. Read more…

5 Yoga Pose Modifications for Sensitive Wrists5 Yoga Pose Modifications for Sensitive Wrists

If you are feeling some tenderness in your wrists, take it easy and modify poses until you are feeling better. Below are some ideas on how to modify yoga poses. Read more…

A Backbend Yoga Sequence For BeginnersA Backbend Yoga Sequence For Beginners

This backbend yoga sequence for beginners will gradually open your spine, chest, abdomen, frontal hips, and thighs into that yummy deep backbend that you are craving. Read more…

3 Yoga Poses for the Fire Element3 Yoga Poses for the Fire Element

Associated with the third chakra deep within the abdomen (the source of your personal power), fire is the element of change and transformation. Read more…

How to do King Cobra PoseHow to Do King Cobra Pose

Cobra and its variations can send energy through your body and invigorate you for the day ahead. They can increase mobility of the spine while strengthening all of the muscles in the back. Read more…

5 Gentle Yoga Twists To Ease Stress, Right From Your Bed5 Gentle Yoga Twists To Ease Stress, Right From Your Bed

Grab your lavender eye pillow, pop some jasmine in the scent diffuser, fluff your favorite pillow, and dig into these delicious yoga twists before you settle in for the night. Read more…

Top 7 Yoga Poses That Help Boost FertilityTop 7 Yoga Poses That Help Boost Fertility

In addition to healing your mind, body, and soul, yoga will also help ensure that the good news comes knocking on your doors soon. Here are the top seven yoga asanas that can help boost fertility. Read more…

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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