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The Week In Yoga #52

Happiness | Lifestyle

Since today’s Week In Yoga marks an anniversary of sorts for our weekly yoga roundup, we thought we’d throw in some extra goodies for y’all.

On top of the useful tips on yoga poses and inspirational content, we also have stunning yoga photography, an inspiring Ashtanga video, a FREE class from Bad Yogi Erin Motz, AND an awesome giveaway! So without further ado, here are some of our most liked and shared posts this week. Enjoy!

Geometries- An Ashtanga Yoga Demo By Laruga Glaser (VIDEO)Geometries: An Ashtanga Yoga Demo By Laruga Glaser (VIDEO)

This video by filmmaker Alessandro Sigismondi juxtaposes the living, breathing, sacred geometry that Ashtanga yoga instructor Laruga Glaser creates in her powerful practice. Read more…

A Pose for Non-Attachment

My Attachment to Non-Attachment

When you’re lost in emotional attachments, you’re at the whim of something beyond your control. That’s why Buddhists insist that the path towards enlightenment is acceptance of impermanence. Read more…

5 Tips to Make Your Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Soar5 Balance and Alignment Tips to Make Your Eagle Pose Soar

Garudasana is great for yogis because it builds strength, increases flexibility, and hones your ability to concentrate. It also opens all the major joints in the body. Read more…

These Surreal Photos Combine Yoga Poses and Plant Elements to Promote Urban Green Spaces

These Photos Combine Yoga Poses and Plant Elements to Promote Urban Green Spaces

These stunning images are a way of advocating for more livable, environmentally sustainable communities in the Washington, D.C. area. Read more…

3 Quick Tips to Improve Your Headstand3 Quick Tips to Improve Your Headstand

The benefits of the Headstand are far more than most imagine. It is especially beneficial for blood flow and release and it is also a great confidence booster. Read more…

Gratitude Challenge How to Count Your BlessingsGratitude Challenge: How to Count Your Blessings

What would happen if we could all learn to live with less? What if we could accept the gifts life has to bestow upon us and let what we have be enough? Read more…

Giveaway – 3 x Lifetime Access Passes to The Complete Guide to Yoga for Beginners

Giveaway - 3 x Lifetime Access Passes to The Complete Guide to Yoga for BeginnersIf you loved The Yoga for Beginners Starter Kit, you’re gonna love this complete guide even more as you get everything you need to know to kickstart your yoga practice and get answers to the questions you might have about yoga as a practice and as a lifestyle.

Click here to find out how you can win!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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