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3 Quick Tips to Improve Your Headstand

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

You might have thought some yoga tricks are just for kids, but the Headstand is not!

Channel your inner, fearless self. Don't dwell on frightening thoughts, but keep your practice fun and empowering by giving the Headstand a healthy try. The benefits of the Headstand are far more than most imagine. It is especially beneficial for blood flow and release and it is also a great confidence booster.

Take a few minutes to ascertain your Headstand and read how you can improve it with ease with these considerations.

1. Use a wall.

If you have never tried a Headstand or haven’t attempted one in a long time, using the wall can be a great way to help you feel safe while gaining balance. Place your mat near the wall and then rest your head and hands about forearm distance apart.

If you need to touch the wall with one or both feet for a while, it's fine! Slowly start to use your core strength by taking a foot off the wall and placing it above your hips one at a time.

2. Stack your hips directly above your shoulders.

Create a cup for your head to rest by interlacing your fingers with the sides of your pinkies at the base of your foundation. Press those pinkies, the forearms, and elbows into the mat to create a firm connection.

Once your head is rested in the cup you’ve created, begin to lift your hips back and walk your toes in towards your chest and face. Keep walking them all the way in until you can comfortably line the hips directly over the shoulders before extending one leg up towards the sky along with the other.

Once the hips are all the way over the shoulders, you will be up in a straight line, so it's easier to actively draw your stomach in to the spine. This will also help you avoid throwing your body up and hindering your balance in the pose.

3. Stay in tune with your breath.

Being mindful and aware of each separate breath in connection to your core will help you get into this position and maintain it. It is common to get anxious and forget the breath and even hold the breath.

Try to practice deep breathing before your Headstand. Make sure that you breathe deeply during each separate part of entering and exiting your Headstand to stay calm and ensure no tension in the neck and shoulders.

Use a wall, stack your hips, breathe, and achieve this beneficial pose! Once you improve your Headstand, you'll be upside-down and feeling great!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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