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The Week In Yoga #4

Happiness | Lifestyle

We always try to get a good mix of stuff to bring you guys everyday, and this week’s roundup is a good proof of that — we have yoga poses and tips, beautiful photography, food to avoid, politicians meditating, inspiring acts of kindness, and even yoga pictures that you, our dear readers, shared with us!

So in case you weren’t able to check in this past week, here’s what you missed:

4 Easy Heart Opening Poses4 Easy Heart Opening Poses

There’s the physical heart and the spiritual heart, and they are both intrinsically connected. We’re going to focus here on finding expansion in that spiritual heart – the place where love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness is born. You know how Care Bears shine from their bellies? Well you by dear, are going to shine from your heart. Read more…

10 foods you should never eat10 Foods You Should Never Eat

You may remember my article from last week entitled “10 Foods You Should Always Eat,” and today my dear friend, I want to let you in on the 10 foods I think you should never, ever, under any circumstances, allow to enter your beautiful vessel. Read more…

This Man Turns Trash Into Homes for the HomelessThis Man Turns Trash Into Homes For The Homeless

Utilizing items found in garbage piles and dumpsters, Gregory Kloehn crafts small, but useful homes for the homeless in Oakland, California. His creations are not mansions; some only have the barest of functions, and are simply movable shelters — but for individuals sleeping on the Oakland streets, this is more than a blessing. Read more…

Naked Yoga: Photos From a Yoga TeacherNaked Yoga: Photos From A Yoga Teacher

These naked yoga photos were sent in to us by Nicolas Tsampathonis, a yoga / AcroYoga / Pilates teacher from France. We thought we’d share the photos with you to show that despite the debates surrounding the practice of naked yoga, it can show us the beauty of the bare human body while holding yoga postures. Read more…

How To Do L-Shaped HandstandHow To Do L-Shaped Handstand

This pose definitely strengthens your arms and your core by using the muscles in those areas to balance your body while you’re upside down. L-shaped handstand also brings in space in tight shoulders, allowing them to open and be more flexible. Read more…

12 Weirdest Places You’ve Practiced Yoga.12 Weirdest Places You’ve Practiced Yoga

About a month ago, we asked our DYY readers on Facebook about the weirdest places they’ve done yoga — and we loved the responses! From funeral homes to sky decks to Home Depot, you guys sure have had some kooky moments having fun striking poses in different places. Read more…

As always, let us know if there’s anything you want to see on the site — we’re listening! 😉

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