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The Week In Yoga #2

Happiness | Lifestyle

Every week, we strive to give our readers a quick recap of the past week's content — the popular posts, and the ones most liked by the DOYOU community. So if you've been travelling and/or haven't had access to the Internet, or if you simply just haven't been able to get your daily DYY fix, this round up will get you up to speed.

Here are some of the awesome articles you might have missed:

5 Health Benefits Of Childs Pose5 Health Benefits Of Child's Pose

Childs pose is a true resting pose, and one that you can hold for long periods of time without the need for props. I personally feel that Child’s pose is often overlooked and neglected, so lets spend some time shining a light on all that is wonderful about this glorious pose. Read more…

How Do I Prepare My Body For Inversions and Arm BalancesHow Do I Prepare My Body For Inversions and Arm Balances?

Every single posture in the “yoga book” can serve as preparation to go upside down or float on your hands. They all provide interesting ways to learn about how your body works, where your strengths are, and what you need to exercise more. Read more…

Practicing Ahimsa On And Off The MatPracticing Ahimsa On And Off The Mat

Ahimsa, translated to “non-violence” is one of the Yamas or restraints that make up the most basic of all spiritual practices. These restraints are purifying, and eliminate all negative influences on others and the environment. In this case, non-violence means more than avoiding physical harm to others.  Read more…

Yoga for Inmates - The Prison Yoga ProgramFrom Violence To Vinyasa: The Prison Yoga Program

Inmate Kevin Lewis of Oakland, who has been in prison for 20 years after being found guilty of second-degree murder, told the Bee, “Yoga gives me a way to combat the things going on in The Yard. If you can relax through the painful positions, you can relax through painful situations in life. It also helps spiritually and keeps you calm and tolerant.” Read more…

Top 3 Reasons Yogis Eat VegetarianTop 3 Reasons Yogis Eat Vegetarian

The food choices that excite a lot of yogis tend to be a little different than what revs up the normal foodie crowd. Instead of comparing notes on a great new steak restaurant, you’re much more likely to catch them getting animated about tofu, tempeh, smoothies, juices, or some other dish where a veggie is the star of the show. Yogis love their vegetarian diets—and there are many reasons for it. Read more…

How to do Frog PoseHow To Do Frog Pose

Practicing Frog pose opens the hips while strengthening the lower back by stretching the groins and inner thigh muscles. It also creates heart space in the chest and shoulders. This pose decreases any strain on the knees by opening the hip joints. Mandukasana aids in digestion, relieves mild depression, anxiety and stress. Read more…

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