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The Week In Yoga #18

Happiness | Lifestyle

This week we have not just yoga poses and tips, but also a fab morning yoga sequence, mindfulness and sex (yep!), and even a funny yoga video unearthed from 12—yes TWELVE!—years ago, back when hidden cam prank shows were all the rage. (Remember Punk'd?)

We had a good mix of content this week, as usual (ehem), but here are some of the top posts in case you missed them.

Try This 15-Minute Yoga Sequence For A Feel-Good MorningTry This 15-Minute Yoga Sequence For A Feel-Good Morning

How we begin our day from the very first moments can have a huge influence on what transpires later on. So when we start our day with intention, conscious movement, rhythmic breathing, and a focused mind, we’re setting ourselves up for all sorts of awesomeness in the hours to come. Read more…


10 Reasons To Do Your Yoga Teacher Training10 Reasons To Do Your Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga teacher trainings should really be thought of as inward journeys. They will certainly teach you practical yoga skills like alignment and proper body awareness to help you avoid injury, but what they have to offer goes so far beyond the physical—it is amazing. Read more…


Top 3 Reasons Yoga & Your Body Deserve Each OtherTop 3 Reasons Yoga & Your Body Deserve Each Other

As a Fitness Instructor & Health Coach, I watch people move and breathe on a daily basis. My favorite moment happens during challenging yoga flows, when people witness their own strength and realize that they are much stronger than they thought. Read more…


The Link Between Mindfulness And Mind Blowing SexThe Link Between Mindfulness And Mind Blowing Sex

Yoga is one of the ultimate mind-body experiences. So is great sex. Certain postures and pranayama techniques improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and open your heart—all of which are necessary for a passionate sex life. Read more…


Funny Video- Yoga Students Pranked In Jamie Kennedy ExperimentFunny Video: Yoga Students Pranked In Jamie Kennedy Experiment

Watch Jamie Kennedy try to lead a class of unsuspecting yoga students—giving suspicious Down Dog adjustments and pissing off construction workers interrupting the Om chanting (“Shut the f*ck up! We’re trying to relax!”) Read more…


5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip That Yoga Class5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip That Yoga Class

We all have been there. Those times when our tiredness is abysmal and the only thing we feel like doing is hibernating on the sofa until our limbs melt with its fabric. When getting on your mat is the last thing on your mind, pull up your yoga pants and head straight to your yoga practice. Here are 5 reasons why. Read more…


10 Awesome Yoga Poses For Men10 Awesome Yoga Poses For Men

Dudes, this one’s for you. Yoga is not just for women. You Y-chromosome carriers can reap some huge rewards by getting on a yoga mat and getting your body moving. In fact, men may benefit even more from certain yoga postures than women. Read more…



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