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5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip That Yoga Class

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

You have been sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen for more than 8 hours. It is raining, late and dark. You have to go grocery shopping, prepare dinner, do laundry, call Mum…The to-do list goes on and on and on. Believe me, I have been there. We all have been there. Those times when our tiredness is abysmal and the only thing we feel like doing is hibernating on the sofa until our limbs melt with its fabric.

When getting on your mat is the last thing on your mind, pull up your yoga pants and head straight to your yoga practice. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. You Owe It To Yourself

The more things you do, the more things you have to do. Your list of responsibilities is ever-growing, endless. What about the responsibility towards yourself? Think about it, 1 hour is only 0.6% of your week. Don’t you deserve to dedicate it to whom you’ll be living with for the rest of your life? (That’s YOU.)

2. The After-Yoga High

Remember how you felt after your last class? How your skin hugged muscles you didn’t even know existed? How you walked as if floating on spumous clouds? Why wouldn’t you want to enjoy this high again?

3. You Don’t Need To ‘Go’ Anywhere

No yoga classes close? Travelling? No means of transport? No problem! You have a yoga studio right in the comfort of your home or hotel. That’s one of the beauties of yoga, it can be practiced anywhere. Just roll out your mat and enjoy the journey inward.

4. It Doesn’t Have To Represent A Huge Monetary Investment

There are tons of possibilities to practice yoga that don’t include attending a fancy studio or paying for individual classes. If you don’t know where to start, or find difficulty in setting a sequence without cues, you are covered! You can purchase DVDs or, if you don’t want to spend the money, just go on YouTube and search for yoga classes, or download one of the many yoga free apps available for your device.

5. You Can Be Yourself

Thankfully, yoga is not a competitive sport. Every body is different and a pose in one might look completely different in another. Listen to how you feel in that particular moment and find those spaces where there is room for you to explore a bit further. Or skip that altogether and rest in Child’s pose for a breath or 10!

Remember why you started and don’t get too caught up in life that you forget about loving yourself!


Mireya Semelasby Mireya Semelas – Mireya is a declared avid reader and devoted yogi. And She’s fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, she would be able to save the world. Find out more about Mireya on her blog or follow her on Instagram.



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