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Sweat Your Way To Physical Health With Hot Yoga

Types of Yoga | Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful way to heal and strengthen the body. In addition, yoga instills calmness in the mind and nurtures the soul. While there are several types of yoga practices, hot yoga is definitely the boot camp of all yoga practices. The optimum temperature of the room is 95 degrees. However, some yoga rooms will have a temperature up to 100 degrees.

Sweat the Toxins Out

Hot yoga provides all the benefits of yoga but with an added kick. Yoga is fantastic for eliminating toxins from the body. Now, add a hot room in the mix, and toxins will flow out of your body in a river of sweat. You may think this is an uncomfortable way to practice yoga. However, after one hot yoga session, you will be hooked.

Loosen and Relax Muscles in the Heat

For many people hot yoga helps them develop their yoga practice. The yoga stretches are a challenge for many people who are not limber. The heat in the yoga room helps tight muscles to loosen. This allows people to gain the full benefits of yoga poses and stretches. For regular yoga practitioners, the heat in the room will help you stretch more effectively.

Melt Away the Tension

Hot yoga has numerous benefits. However, a tremendous benefit of this type of yoga is the release of tension and stress. Practicing yoga in a hot room seems to melt away the tension of the day. Most people feel a sense of peace and calmness after a session. In addition, they feel energized and happy.

Hot yoga is an amazing way to enhance your current yoga practice. Sign up for one class and you will be hooked. You do not need to have any special equipment. Just grab your favorite yoga mat and a towel.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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