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Snoga: Yoga in the Snow (VIDEO)

Yoga | Yoga Videos

In this video by Minneapolis-based studio Yess Yoga, a pack of dedicated yogis are filmed outdoors in a churchyard doing what people are calling “snoga” in the winter cold.

In their parkas, beanies, scarves, boots, and gloves, they salute the sun, balance in Warrior III, and bend and twist into Triangles and Crescent Lunges, all to the stark white backdrop of snow.

So, if you’re raring to do yoga outside but are afraid of being cold (or people thinking you’re crazy), round up a posse, brave the nippy air, and do it anyway—we’re willing to bet you won’t regret it!


Credit: Lucia Yess on Vimeo

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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