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Seniors Get Free Yoga Classes in New York

Aging | Health

As America’s population ages, its senior discounts are becoming more and more widespread. Coffee, donuts, restaurant meals, groceries, clothing, travel, and even gym memberships are all just a little bit cheaper once customers reach the age of about 55.

But the seniors of today are interested in more than just food and clothes, which is why more and more frequently, they can also find discount yoga classes—even some that are free.

Free Yoga Classes In New York

At Oakland Gardens' Cunningham Park in Queens, the New York Daily News caught up with a group of seniors practicing yoga totally free of charge — thanks to the City Parks Foundation, a nonprofit that is unique in its creation of programs throughout parks in each of the five boroughs. The class, which is held twice a week through June 20, is drawing rave reviews.

“I feel great…My asthma has improved 100% since I started!” says Sandy Mounsey, 65. The other class members say the exercise is like “WD-40 for their bodies.”

Seva And Yoga

Other free low-impact exercise classes for seniors are popping up in New York; the CityParks Senior Fitness program offers free yoga classes along with its free tennis lessons and fitness walking in 14 New York City parks. Meanwhile, Sunrise Tai Chi classes are offered in Fort Tryon Park and twice-weekly tai chi workshops can be found in Manhattan’s Bryant Park.

Selfless service, or seva, has great significance in yoga; with the amount of free classes for seniors going on right now, the people and organizations that make wellness accessible for seniors without any monetary profit are practicing some serious seva!

Are there groups and organizations in your area that offer free yoga classes too? Let the community know below!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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