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Recipe: A Peanut Butter Booster For A Naturally Healthy Digestive System

Food | Lifestyle

In Ayurvedic medicine, heat-bringing spices stimulate digestion and metabolism, helping build a naturally healthy digestive system. This digestive booster recipe is a wonderful way to incorporate these spices into your regular diet.

Peanut butter acts as the base in this recipe—it masks the taste of the herbs and makes them easier to take. This type of herbal concoction is called an electuary. Electuaries are also made with honey or made as herbal jellies.

Please Note: If you have ulcers, or any stomach or intestinal condition which spicy foods aggravate—this recipe is not for you!

Gatlianne’s Peanut Butter Booster For A Naturally Healthy Digestive System


  • 7 tbps peanut butter (or nut butter of choice) – Make sure to read the label on the packaging carefully so you know what you're buying (here are some tips)!
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp coriander


  1. Mix all spices separately to blend.
  2. Flatten peanut butter out in a bowl and shake spices over top.
  3. With a spatula, fold the spices into the peanut butter (you will need to scrape down the spatula with a knife from time to time). Incorporate well! You want the consistency of light dough. If it’s too thick, add a bit of peanut butter or a drizzle of honey. If it’s too thin, add 1/2 tsp more of cinnamon, ginger, or turmeric.
  4. Put onto a piece of plastic wrap, fold wrap over and shape peanut butter into a log. Put in refrigerator to harden (at least an hour).
  5. Take out and quickly roll log into a thinner log so that you can cut off “pills.” You want them to be little peanut butter disks, small enough to swallow if you just want to swallow but large enough to give you a dose of the spices. They will be roughly a 1/2 tsp worth of peanut butter. You can chew them if you like—they have some heat to them and the turmeric gives them a little bite. You can also use honey peanut butter for a sweeter taste.
  6. Place on waxed paper and sprinkle with cinnamon, ginger, or corn starch so they don’t stick. Coat all sides. Store in air tight container, in waxed paper.

Healing Properties

  • Cayenne – Anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, aids metabolism, stimulates gastric secretions, helps relieve digestive disorders, helps relieve gastrointestinal disorders
  • Black Pepper – Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, aids circulation, helps relieve digestive disorders, helps relieve gas, helps relieve gastrointestinal disorders, helps relieve hay fever, promotes energy stimulation, helps relieve colds and cough
  • Cinnamon – Anti-fungal, helps relieve bloating, helps improve body odor, aids circulation, aids blood sugar control, helps relieve nausea, helps relieve pain, helps relieve candida or yeast infections, helps relieve gas, helps with fatigue, helps relieve indigestion, promotes energy stimulation, helps relieve stomach ache
  • Ginger – Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral, stimulates bile production and digestion, promotes detoxification of system, helps relieve gas, helps relieve digestive disorders, helps relieve gastrointestinal disorders, helps relieve nausea, promotes muscle recovery
  • Paprika – Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, high in Vitamin C, aids digestion
  • Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory, promotes detoxification of system, helps relieve gas, helps relieve digestive disorders, helps relieve gastrointestinal disorders, helps relive joint pain, promotes cellular regeneration, promotes bladder health
  • Coriander – Tonic, helps relieve nausea, helps relieve digestive disorders, stimulates kidney function, helps relieve gas

To incorporate this Ayurvedic concoction into your daily diet, start with one per day (with food), and watch your digestive system stabilize and get stronger, naturally!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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