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Meditation for Self-Love With Faith Hunter (VIDEO)

Guided Meditation | Meditation

With so many things we need to do on a daily basis, we’re prone to operate on auto-pilot mode—finish work tasks, run errands, hit the gym, do laundry, make dinner…the list is endless. We get so caught up on doing things as fast and as efficiently as possible that we forget to stop and breathe.

Don’t let your life be ruled by to-do lists and be valued based on what you accomplish. Take some time just for you and remember that self-care is not selfish, it is essential. If you need help getting started, this 8-minute meditation for self-love is the best place to start.

Let international yoga teacher Faith Hunter guide you through soothing mantras and positive affirmations to silence your inner critic and help you shift towards essential self-nurturing and self-love. For more soothing meditations to help you find calm, check out Faith’s Complete Guide to Meditation right here on DOYOU.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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