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Just Breathe: A Documentary on Kids and Mindfulness (VIDEO)

Family | Lifestyle

Can you imagine a world where we were trained to take a moment and breathe when our blood boils or when we want to react in anger? What if we could interact with friends, family, and coworkers that understood anger as visceral chemical reaction in the brain? That’s just what happens when we combine kids and mindfulness.

Here’s some straight talk from a class of kindergartners who are well-versed in the practices of mindfulness and breathing techniques. Filmmakers and parents, Julie Bayer-Salzman and Josh Salzman were inspired by their son and his class who proved to have a lot of wisdom on the matter. They spent a day with the kids and families involved to get their unscripted advice.

Take a look at how these little ones achieve mindfulness and let it inspire your day!

Video Credit: Mindful Schools on Youtube

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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