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This Hilarious Clip Shows a World Where Meat-Eaters Act Like Vegans

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

For the most part, vegans don't act or talk like how they're often  portrayed on screen and online. However, we all have that one friend who can't seem to stop talking about how veganism is the greatest thing since sliced tofu.

JP Sears of “Awaken with JP” fame imagines what it would be like if meat-eaters acted like stereotypical vegans in this hilarious video. In one particularly giggle-inducing scene, the Ultra-Spiritual star asks, “Plants give off oxygen. Why would you eat them?”

If you're interested in becoming a vegan for real but need help sticking to a plant-based diet, check out Tips for Going and Staying Vegan (With Recipe).

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Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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